Changes in Turkish Customs Law


💥 Customs Support Poland (Rusak) informs:

▶ As of August, the Turkish government has issued Decision No. 8787, amending certain articles of Customs Law No. 4458.

▶ The changes to the value-added taxes and fixed taxes for goods delivered to individuals by mail or express cargo, which are not for commercial use, will come into effect on 👉 August 21, 2024.

ℹ Key changes from the new decision include: ✖ Lower value limit: The threshold for fixed taxes on goods has been reduced from 150 euros to 30 euros for items other than pharmaceuticals. ✖ New tax rates:

  • 30% for goods valued at up to 30 euros arriving from EU countries.
  • 60% for goods arriving from other countries. ✖ Additional tax: The fixed tax of 20%, applied in addition to the above rates for items on List IV of the Special Consumption Tax Law No. 4760, remains unchanged. 👉 Change to the lower limit for customs declarations: The threshold for goods that can be declared by postal administrations or express cargo companies as intermediaries has been reduced from 150 euros to 30 euros.

These changes aim to limit the volume of consumer orders placed online from foreign e-commerce platforms.

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Changes in Turkish Customs Law